This page includes my podcasting, interviews, editing, and digital teaching.

* For interviews related to The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism, see here.

Critical Respondent for “Dispensationalism from Past to Present: A Historical and Critical Appraisal” hosted at SBL/AAR 2024 Annual Meeting (November 2024).

Interviewed on “Press Play with Madeleine Brand” (KCRW-Los Angeles) about evangelical Christians and Israel (November 2024).

Interviewed on “PBS News Hour” about evangelical Christians and Israel (November 2024).

Interviewed on “Across the Divide” podcast about Christian Zionism (October 2024).

Panel participant for “Where Did ‘Moral Clarity’ Lead Us?: Reflections on Christianity Today's Coverage of Gaza” hosted by Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (September 2024).

Interviewed on NPR's "Code Switch" about evangelicals and Israel (May 2024).

Interviewed on NPR's "University of the Air" about Evangelicals in American Politics (April 2024) and U.S.-Israel Relations (March 2024).

Interviewed on the "American Prestige" podcast about Christian Zionism and U.S. diplomacy (Part IV: April 2024; Part III: March 2024; Part II: February 2024; Part I: October 2023)

Panel participant for "The Next Generation: Changing Attitudes Towards Israel Among Younger Americans" hosted by Tel Aviv University's Center for the Study of the United States (February 2024).

Interviewed on "This is Democracy" about evangelicals and politics (January 2024).

Interviewed on "Books and Big Ideas with Joel Wentz" about the history of Christian Zionism (December 2023).

Interviewed on NPR's "Here and Now" about the history of U.S.-Israeli relations (October 2023).

Interviewed on "The New Evangelicals" podcast about the history of Christian Zionism (October 2023).

Lecture on the religious history of the University of Wisconsin-Madison at Upper House (March 2023).

Interviewed on Upper House's "UpWords" podcast about the religious history of the University of Wisconsin-Madison (February 2023)

Interviewed on "Quick to Listen" podcast (Christianity Today) about premillennialism (August 2019)

Interviewed on the "Classical Ideas Podcast" about Evangelical Christian Nationalism in the Cold War (September 2018); Interviewed about Israel, Palestine, and Christian Zionism (March 2018).​

Interviewed at Blackhawk Church, Madison, WI on the history of the Evangelical Free Church of America (October 2017)


I co-host the UpWords podcast for Upper House in Madison, WI. My interview guests have included: Darren Dochuk | Lauren Turek | James Ungureanu | David Fields | David Harrisville | Gene Zubovich | Peter Cajka | Skye Doney | Jesse Curtis | Daniel Silliman | Chris Ganski |  Heather Holleman | Ian Johnson | Bob Smietana | Brent Seales | Janine Giordano Drake | John Anthony Dunne | Nadya Williams | Vince Bacote | Paul Putz | Rebecca DeYoung | Daniel Silliman (again) | Daniel K. Williams | Michael Wear.

I regularly host speakers at Upper House and for the Lumen Center (see, many of which are available on Upper House's Youtube channel (see



The Raised Hand is a monthly essay magazine edited by members and colleagues of the Christian study center movement whose aim is to contribute to conversations in U.S. higher education from their unique vantage points both within and outside the institutional structures of universities and colleges. Our mission is to ask big questions in order to foster dialogue, benefiting colleges and universities throughout this country in their task of pursuing truth and educating students from all over the world. I have been on TRH's editorial committee since 2022 and assumed the editorship in 2023.

Voices & Visions is an audio-visual, permanent, and scalable primary source companion for courses exploring the history of the United States and the World.

Started by a group of historians in 2016, Voices & Visions launched in June 2017 with its first entries, with plans for expanding with support from University of Wisconsin-Madison Digital Collections and the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR).